Let's Hear It For The Girls!

March is National Women’s History Month and we thought it would be an amazing opportunity to shine the light on some of the amazing products made through woman-owned businesses that we have in store at Lulu Bella Boutique. But before we celebrate the women of today- let’s take a moment to appreciate the women of that past that made it possible to be our amazing selves.
A Brief History Lesson
The 1700’s- the colonies were still following British Law which meant that husbands controlled women’s property. Any property, finances, or assets women brought into a marriage, was put into
the husband's trust and he had complete control of it. In 1771, New York passed an act that gave women a limited say in what her husband did with her assets. The law required the wife’s signature before the husband could sell or transfer her property. In 1787, Massachusetts passed a law allowing married women in certain circumstances to act as femme sole traders. Essentially allowing a wife to take over that family shop while the husband is away from the home.

The 1800’s- Women of Eastern European descent were starting to make progress when it came to matters of property rights. Unfortunately, at this time people and women of color did not have property rights in any meaningful sense. In 1809, Connecticut passed a law allowing married women to have prenuptial and marriage agreements, execute wills, and allow a man other than the woman’s husband to handle her finances. While this still took a woman’s agency of her finances, it did help prevent men from taking advantage of a woman’s wealth and property. In 1839, white women were allowed limited property rights which unfortunately involved owning enslaved Africans. One of the biggest movement’s in women’s property rights was in 1848, when the Married Women’s Property Act was passed which allowed women to keep and own any gifts or assets they attained, conduct business, and file lawsuits. It also gave women legal authority over their children along with their husband.

The 1900’s- By now, every state had given married women much more control over their property. However, it was still the never ending fight for financial freedom. It wasn’t until the 1970’s that a woman could get a credit card...but she still had to get her husband’s signature.

Now- Lulu Bella Boutique is a woman-owned business, stocked full of amazing products made by women, staffed by women, and I, the writer of this blog, a woman, can speak freely of women’s rights. While we still have struggles, thank you to every woman who fought tooth and nail to get us here today. Mothers, sisters, daughters have always had the ability to be leaders, speakers, and business owners- we are just so glad to finally have the opportunity to show it.

The Amazing Women Owned Businesses of Today

1. Shine Cosmetics. Chandler Taylor, founder of Shine Cosmetics looked around her and noticed how the beauty industry was marketing sexual messages to young teens and decided she could do better. With the help of her sister-in-law Erin Richardson and friend, Darcy Wilde they sat around for endless nights around a table creating a brand that encourages positive messages that uplift and empower women. Committed to making the world a more beautiful place by naming all their products after power words like Courage, Faith, Blessed, and Enough- making you beauty routine a self-affirming one.
Come shop them in store or online here!

2. Mixhers. Jess Toolson created Mixhers as a way to help women manage their health in a natural way. She is leading a women lead team to address very common issues women face everyday. Mixhers are natural products that help balance hormones, help with painful periods, get a better night’s sleep, and even help with labido. Jess Toolson’s advice to fellow women who want to start a business is “To just get started. You can improve it late, you can change things later. But the first step is to just begin.”
Come shop them in our store or online here!

3. Blush&Bloom- Gina Porter never intended on starting a business. She wanted organic, quality, products that were easy on her sensitive skin...but also smelt good too! When people started asking her what she was wearing the orders started pouring in and Blush&Bloom was just naturally born! When I asked what her motivation was for her business she said, “My motivation is my love of seeing women take time to pamper themselves with good products! It brings me such joy when I get messages from a tired mama who was able to take a hot bath to recharge, or how loved someone felt when they received our pamper kit during a difficult day and could relax.” Their motto is “EVERY body deserves to feel beautiful” and she hopes to continue that trend into the foreseeable future.
Shop our Blush & Bloom products here!

4. Honestly Margo- A mother-daughter team started Honestly Margo in the kitchen and they took their chances and dreamt big! In hopes of redefining beauty and setting new standards for self care. All of their products are organic and cruelty free and they feel as good as they sound!
Shop our Honestly Margo products here!

5. Little Words Project- After Adriana Carrig (founder and CEO) had experienced bullying and negativity throughout her life, she decided to start making bracelets to encourage her sorority. The idea is to wear a bracelet to lift your spirits and then share it with others! We encourage you to join the community built on authenticity and kindness.
Shop in our store or online here!
6. Fawn Design. A mom, a designer, and an amazing business woman- Jenny Wecker started sewing at the young age of 5 years old and would eventually begin to sew her designer bags by hand. She wanted to empower women from every walk of life by creating products that embrace and celebrate every stage of womanhood.
Shop our Fawn Design Bags here!

7. Bella Tunno. While trying to process the grief of losing her brother to an accidental drug overdose, Michelle Buelow started selling burp clothes and changing pads to start a fund for his memorial and then it eventually turned into a passion product. Starting with herself and 8 other employees (all women) they began evolving their products into baby silicone products they wish they would have had for their own kiddos. This is truly an amazing story of how grief blossomed into inspiration and from inspiration sprouted a
Shop Bella Tunno here!

8. Lulu Bella Boutique. Cindy Beck started Lulu Bella with her late-husband Rick, naming the cute shop after her Grandma Lulu. An incredible woman started a business and turned it into a community of healing and love. We hope that you come and share your stories and love for the women that make Lulu Bella the magical place it has become. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, teenager, business-owner, or a girl who doesn’t quite know what she’s doing- you are amazing. Take a moment and appreciate yourself this month and
also give a little thanks to all the other amazing women who made it possible to be you today!

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