A Self-Care Day for Parents

Parents, it’s time. The kids are officially back at school, meaning you might finally have a few hours to yourself...for a spa day. Self-care doesn’t have to take hours and it doesn’t have to be a big to-do. You can take 30 minutes to listen to your favorite music in the tub or you can take 10 minutes to enjoy a face mask- no matter how you choose to treat yourself- Lulu Bella has the goods for you!
Bath & Body
Adding quality to your bath-there is nothing like it. We have bath salts, bubble baths, bath bombs, and so much more. Not much of a bath girlie? That’s okay! Check out our Bath & Body selection on our website or come into the store and see all the great selections yourself! From moisturizers to skincare- we have all the essentials to make you feel like you are glowing!
An act of self-care that goes a long way is journaling. Of course, you can grab any old notebook and get going. The key is to get to know yourself, let go of limiting thoughts, and just put your brain to paper. But many of us can find a blank page staring back at us, very intimidating which is why a prompted journal can be super helpful! We have lots of great ones to choose from including, but not limited to the ones shown. We also have guided journals for going through the adoption process and missionary-guided journals! We have ones for everyone!
Creating a Homey Environment
Creating a homey environment can mean many things. It can mean a home-cooked meal, a light clean-up, or lots of pillows and blankets. One finishing touch that really brings it all together is a candle that makes your home smell delicious and brings warmth into a room. We are sure that all our products are as clean and sustainable for our homes and that doesn’t stop at the wick! Burning a candle can really put a nice touch to an end of a long day or a great start to a new one!
However you decide to treat yourself; we hope you take a moment to do so. Being a parent is so rewarding and a great gift to be given. But it’s also a lot of hard work and when you are doing a great job...sometimes we forget to take a moment to ourselves as well. A happy, well-rested parent- leads to better and more enjoyable moments with the kids. We hope to see you soon and that we can help you find the perfect self-care product for you!
XOXO- Lulu Bella Babes 

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